RMK’s forestry works map
RMK is responsible for 1.4 million hectares of land, of which the majority – more than 1 million – is forest land. The rest is wetlands, semi-natural habitats, lakes and other pieces of land. It is a third of Estonia and 47% of Estonian forest land.
On this map, we show the land managed by RMK as well as the information on works performed and planned in the forests of RMK. This allows everyone to see where RMK managed forest is in their local area and also further away, and what kinds of works have already been completed or are planned in the forest. The forestry works encompass the entire life cycle of the forest – the regenerating, growing, maintenance and cutting of a new generation of forest.
When the map is opened, the entire land area managed by RMK is displayed in green, with protected forests and other natural biotic communities displayed in contrasting red.
By enlarging the map, RMK’s network of forest compartments appears (from 1:150 000), followed by RMK’s forest stands (from 1:50 000). By clicking on the forest stands, information is displayed on the size of the stand, the main species of tree, age and works that were last performed. Information on planned works can be seen if you activate the corresponding layers of the map.
The RMK forest stands are displayed on the map by their age distribution; moreover, strictly protected areas have been highlighted. | Information on planned forestry works can be seen if you activate the layers of interest located on the menu next to the map. |
PROTECTED AREASStrictly protected forests and other natural habitats. |
ESTABLISHING NEW FOREST GENERATIONPlanting works and natural renewal planned for the ongoing calendar year. |
YOUNG FORESTCutting area, renewing forest, and young stand (forest, up to 8 metres). |
YOUNG FOREST MAINTENANCEForest regeneration maintenance and cleaning planned for the ongoing calendar year. |
MIDDLE-AGED FORESTForest from 8 metres until mature forest. |
THINNINGForest notifications issued for thinning. Forest notifications shall be valid for a year starting from the date of issue. |
MATURE FORESTForest that has reached a mature age or mature diameter. Depending on the tree species and soil fertility; the minimum allowed cutting age is 30 years and the maximum is 130 years. |
CLEAR CUTTINGForest notifications issued for clear cutting and shelterwood cutting. Forest notifications are valid for one year starting from the date of issue. |
KAH-ALADRiigimetsas asuv kõrgendatud avaliku huviga ala, mille paiknemine looduses on kohaliku kogukonnaga kokku lepitud. |
NB! The forest grows at its own rhythm, due to which all works might not happen at the time or in the form planned. Some works might be cancelled or added due to the weather (soil too dry or too wet), the elements (storms, forest fires), forest damage (borers, root press, game) as well as due to changes in planning (changes to the work order, agreements with communities, etc.).
The map does not reflect nature conservation works being performed on protected areas for the protection and restoration of habitats. The same is true of deforestation due to a change in the use of the land, for example, a forest is replaced with a road, agricultural land or buildings. It does not reflect sanitary cuttings either, performed for forest protection.