Forest management
Forest is Estonia’s wealth. It is important for all of us that our forests are viable, of different ages, diverse and healthy. Such a state is achieved when growing, using, renewing and protecting the forest. In this way, we ensure that each future generation has the same young, middle age and mature forests as we do and the opportunity to use the benefits associated with these forests, including timber.
Riigimetsast üle veerandi on range kaitse all, ülejäänud metsad Riigimetsa vanuseline jagunemine. Männikutes on suures
ülekaalus 60-100
on osalise majanduspiiranguga, kus tehakse töid vastavalt aastased metsad. Kaasikute vanuseline jagunemine on
märksa ühtlasem
vajadusele, ja majandusmetsad.
kui männikutel. Kõige ühtlasema jaotusega on kuusikud.
The majority of Estonian forests are semi-natural, meaning that man has planted or sown them at some point and nature has added some tree species of its own. To get a viable forest, planting is succeeded by forest growing works. If a forest reaches an age when the natural loss of trees is greater than growth, the trees are cut in the managed forest and a new forest is grown in its place. Forest growing methods are different and depend on the local natural conditions.
Establishing new forest generation
RMK renews forest in all cutting areas. A tree species that is going to be grown in the cutting area shall be chosen depending on the tree species of the cut forest, as well as the soil growth conditions. New trees are planted or sown in about 70% of cutting areas and up to 30% is left for natural renewal, or the latter is promoted.
Young forest maintenance
For the planted forest plants to grow into a strong forest, the young forest needs to managed – its species composition should be designed and bushes and trees that hinder the growth of future trees should be cut.
In the first years after renewal, forest renewal maintenance is performed, i.e. forest plants that have started to grow are cleared of grass and in a 5-20 year old forest, young stand maintenance is performed, i.e. cleaning.
With thinning, the trees are given better growth conditions and trees that grow slowly and die, as well as damaged trees, shall be removed.
After thinning, the sunlight reaches underneath the canopies better and the moss, grass, shrubs and bushes start to grow more vigorously. Thinning is performed several times during the lifetime of the forest, if required.
Clear cutting
To use the timber in house building, paper production or home heating, clear cutting and shelterwood cutting should be undertaken. This can be performed in a forest that has reached a mature age or diameter indicating ripeness, but sometimes clear cutting is also required when the forest has been damaged significantly.
Regeneration cutting means one-time (clear cutting) or gradual cutting (shelterwood cutting) of a forest generation.
All cut areas shall be renewed.