Income statement (in EUR)

Income statement
Sales revenue 135 750 681 137 037 811
Other operating revenue 6 412 874 2 972 493
Changes in inventories of finished goods and work-in progress 1 327 545 1 941 560
Preparation of fixed assets for self-consumption
21 045 0
Goods, materials, supplies and services -77 129 440 -71 020 183
Other operating costs -11 118 487 -8 579 311
Staff costs -20 818 957 -18 867 414
Depreciation and value adjustments -6 196 685 -6 350 096
Other operating costs -81 997 -503 349
Operating profit 28 166 579
36 631 511
Financial income and expenses 591 819
823 813
Profit before income tax
28 758 398
37 455 324
Income tax
-9 622 678
-5 462 658

Net profit for financial year

19 135 720

31 992 666