Ongoing projects
With the support of external funding, RMK is currently involved in 13 nature conservation projects. These projects primarily focus on species protection and habitat restoration, as these activities have the most significant impact on biodiversity conservation. For example, we are working to protect the habitats of flying squirrels, restore marshes, and nurture the populations of pearl mussels and sturgeons. The main donors are the European Commission’s LIFE programme and the European Union’s cohesion and internal security policy funds.
Ongoing externally funded projects include:
- Flying Squirrel LIFE: conservation of flying squirrel habitats in Europe
- LIFE IP CleanEST: Clean up the waters of Viru County
- LIFE-IP ForEst&FarmLand: nature-rich Estonia
- LIFE Revives: Revitalisation of freshwater pearl mussel populations and habitats
- LIFE Baltic Surgeon: Restoration of the Baltic sturgeon population in Estonian waters
- LIFE-SIP AdaptEST: Implementation of climate change adaptation activities in Estonia
- Cohesion Fund (2021-2027): ensuring the favourable status of species and habitats and diversity of landscapes
- Cohesion Fund (2021-2027): Remediation of water bodies in poor condition
- Cohesion Fund (2021-2027): Elimination of legacy effects of mineral extraction and processing
- WaterLANDS: restoration of wetlands
- Restoration of Leidissoo
- Restoration of the capercaillie habitats associated with Rail Baltica
- Restoration of marshes and watercourses around the Defence Forces’ central training area