Where to go

Kirikumäe campfire site Järvamaa

Järva County, Endla Nature Reserve

A campfire site located on the bank of the Põltsamaa River.


Roadside parking


Fire ring, information board, 2 benches


The maximum number of tents (for 4) allowed is 2.

Outdoor Fireplace

Uncovered Fireplace


Põltsamaa River, riparian habitats

Additional Information

Before going on a nature walk please read the Environmental code of conduct, rules of conduct and waste-sorting policy


Situated in Endla Nature Reserve. To organise a public event with more than 20 participants, drive an off-road vehicle and go on a boating trip, a permit must be obtained from the protected area manager. Further information can be obtained from the Environmental Board +372 662 5999, info@keskkonnaamet.ee


Telephone: +372 676 7030

E-mail: info.elistvere@rmk.ee

Object type: campfire site

Location info

Location : Järva County, Endla Nature Reserve

Järva municipality, Järva County

Navigation instructions : On Tallinn–Tartu road at Mäeküla junction turn towards Koeru (sign “Koeru 34 km”). Just before Koeru take a turn to the right (follow the sign “Norra-Oostriku allikad 7 km”). Drive 11.8 km and turn left (follow the sign “Kirikumäe lõkkekoht”) and then drive 2.6 km to the Põltsamaa River.


Long-Lat WGS 84
Latitude: 58.871222
Longitude: 26.104030
L-EST 97x: 621353
L-EST 97y: 6527674

+372 676 7030
Object type:
campfire site
Location info
Järva County, Endla Nature Reserve
Järva municipality, Järva County
Navigation instructions:
On Tallinn–Tartu road at Mäeküla junction turn towards Koeru (sign “Koeru 34 km”). Just before Koeru take a turn to the right (follow the sign “Norra-Oostriku allikad 7 km”). Drive 11.8 km and turn left (follow the sign “Kirikumäe lõkkekoht”) and then drive 2.6 km to the Põltsamaa River.

Long-Lat WGS 84
Latitude: 58.871222
Longitude: 26.104030
L-EST 97x: 621353
L-EST 97y: 6527674

Where to go

Saxby rest stop

Lääne County, Vormsi Landscape Reserve
The shingle beach in the western part of the island is rich in fossils. Being open to storm waves from the sea, the coastline is changing and because of the constant movement of the surface, vegetation here is in constant state of formation and evolution. The beach boasts a lighthouse built in 1864, and young calcareous alvars with a thin soil layer further away from the sea.

Gravel parking area for 6 to 7 cars or 2 buses


At the parking area there is an information board introducing the Saxby beach. The Lääne-Vormsi cycling trail, managed by the Vormsi municipality, runs along the coast.


Saxby shore

Additional Information

Before going on a nature walk please read the Environmental code of conduct, rules of conduct and waste-sorting policy


Saxby limited management zone of Vormsi Landscape Reserve. Further information can be obtained from the Environmental Board +372 662 5999, info@keskkonnaamet.ee


Telephone: +372 513 8783

E-mail: info.matsalu@rmk.ee

Object type: rest stop

Location info

Location : Lääne County, Vormsi Landscape Reserve

Saxbyvillage, Vormsi municipality, Lääne County

Navigation instructions : Drive 5 km from Sviby port to the Hullo junction (Road no. 16131) and go forward towards the Suuremõisa village. Follow the road from Suuremõisa to Saxby, turn left at the junction (sign 1.7 km to Saxby beach). Drive 1.5 km to the parking area and the information board introducing the Saxby beach.


Long-Lat WGS 84
Latitude: 59.024753
Longitude: 23.118256
L-EST 97x: 449362
L-EST 97y: 6543206

+372 513 8783
Object type:
rest stop
Location info
Lääne County, Vormsi Landscape Reserve
Saxbyvillage, Vormsi municipality, Lääne County
Navigation instructions:
Drive 5 km from Sviby port to the Hullo junction (Road no. 16131) and go forward towards the Suuremõisa village. Follow the road from Suuremõisa to Saxby, turn left at the junction (sign 1.7 km to Saxby beach). Drive 1.5 km to the parking area and the information board introducing the Saxby beach.

Long-Lat WGS 84
Latitude: 59.024753
Longitude: 23.118256
L-EST 97x: 449362
L-EST 97y: 6543206

Where to go

Parunikivi rest stop

Lääne County, Vormsi Landscape Reserve
The “Baron’s boulder” has a thick moss cover and the shape of an irregular polyhedron, and is situated 100 m south of the Vormsi roundabout. The stone bears a commemorative inscription in German dedicated to the Baron von Stackelberg by his sons.

In the road lay-by near Hullo community centre


Information board, bench, trash bin


Erratic Rapakivi granite boulder with the perimeter of 20 m in the middle of a pine forest. The boulder is flat on top, has straight sides, and most of it is under the ground surface. The stone has a commemorative inscription to Otto Friedrich Fromhold von Stackelberg, the last Baron of Vormsi. Since 1941 the boulder has been under nature protection and was added to the list of objects of cultural heritage in 1997.

Additional Information

Before going on a nature walk please read the Environmental code of conduct, rules of conduct and waste-sorting policy


Telephone: +372 513 8783

E-mail: info.matsalu@rmk.ee

Object type: rest stop

Location info

Location : Lääne County, Vormsi Landscape Reserve

Hullovillage, Vormsi municipality, Lääne County

Navigation instructions : Drive from Sviby port to Hullo. Follow the sign in front of Hullo community centre to the 0.5 km long walking path which leads to the Baron’s boulder. Parking in road lay-by near the community centre. 


Long-Lat WGS 84
Latitude: 58.998664
Longitude: 23.244006
L-EST 97x: 456550
L-EST 97y: 6540212

+372 513 8783
Object type:
rest stop
Location info
Lääne County, Vormsi Landscape Reserve
Hullovillage, Vormsi municipality, Lääne County
Navigation instructions:
Drive from Sviby port to Hullo. Follow the sign in front of Hullo community centre to the 0.5 km long walking path which leads to the Baron’s boulder. Parking in road lay-by near the community centre. 

Long-Lat WGS 84
Latitude: 58.998664
Longitude: 23.244006
L-EST 97x: 456550
L-EST 97y: 6540212

Where to go

Diby rest stop

Lääne County, Vormsi Landscape Reserve
Building of the former Soviet border observation point in Diby peninsula.

Parking by the road.


Bench table


Vormsi shore, Rälby Bay

Additional Information

Before going on a nature walk please read the Environmental code of conduct, rules of conduct and waste-sorting policy


Information about restrictions can be obtained from the Environmental Board +372 662 5999, info@keskkonnaamet.ee


Telephone: +372 513 8783

E-mail: info.matsalu@rmk.ee

Object type: rest stop

Location info

Location : Lääne County, Vormsi Landscape Reserve

Diby village, Vormsi municipality, Lääne County


Long-Lat WGS 84
Latitude: 59.033870
Longitude: 23.298868
L-EST 97x: 459744
L-EST 97y: 6544099

+372 513 8783
Object type:
rest stop
Location info
Lääne County, Vormsi Landscape Reserve
Diby village, Vormsi municipality, Lääne County

Long-Lat WGS 84
Latitude: 59.033870
Longitude: 23.298868
L-EST 97x: 459744
L-EST 97y: 6544099

Where to go

Harimäe campfire site

Valga County, Otepää Nature Park

A nice place for recreation and picnic. From the tower (28 m high) is a scenic view of Southern Estonian landscape.

Dear visitor, the observation tower and campfire site is closed fro 17.09. until the work is completed.


A scenic view of Southern Estonian landscape.

Parking facilities

At the tower is parking lot for max 8 cars.


Outdoor fireplace, dry toilet, picnic shelter, information boards.

Additional information
  • The object is equipped with firewood.
  • Before going on a nature walk please read the Environmental code of conduct (freedom to roam), rules of conduct and waste-sorting policy.

About restrictions please read here. Further information can be obtained from the Environmental Board (info@keskkonnaamet.ee, +372 662 5999).


The maximum number of tents (for 4) allowed is 10.

Outdoor Fireplace

Covered Fireplace

Year-round maintenance
Maintenance during summer
Maintenance during winter

Telephone: +372 676 7122

E-mail: info.kiidjarve@rmk.ee

Object type: campfire site

Location info

Location : Valga County, Otepää Nature Park

Mäeküla village, Sangaste municipality, Valga County.

Navigation instructions : At the junction with traffic lights in Otepää, choose Otepää–Kääriku–Kurevere road (Road no. 23195), drive 11 km to Kääriku and continue 2.8 km on the same road (turns into a gravel road). The campfire site is near the tower, by the left side of the road, follow the brown arrow signs to the tower.


Long-Lat WGS 84
Latitude: 57.983309
Longitude: 26.357564
L-EST 97x: 639446.1
L-EST 97y: 6429326.7

+372 676 7122
Object type:
campfire site
Location info
Valga County, Otepää Nature Park
Mäeküla village, Sangaste municipality, Valga County.
Navigation instructions:
At the junction with traffic lights in Otepää, choose Otepää–Kääriku–Kurevere road (Road no. 23195), drive 11 km to Kääriku and continue 2.8 km on the same road (turns into a gravel road). The campfire site is near the tower, by the left side of the road, follow the brown arrow signs to the tower.

Long-Lat WGS 84
Latitude: 57.983309
Longitude: 26.357564
L-EST 97x: 639446.1
L-EST 97y: 6429326.7

Where to go

Piusa hiking trail (1.4 km)

Võru County, Piusa Caves Nature Reserve
On Piusa hiking trail you can learn more about the protected plant and animal species found in the Piusa Caves Nature Reserve.

Parking area of Piusa Cave Museum.


On the trail there are information boards in Estonian and English.

Hiking Options


Additional Information

Before going on a nature walk please read the Environmental code of conduct, rules of conduct and waste-sorting policy


Located in Piusa Cave Nature Reserve. Further information can be obtained from the Environmental Board +372 662 5999, info@keskkonnaamet.ee


Telephone: +372 676 7122

E-mail: info.kiidjarve@rmk.ee

Object type: hiking trail

Location info

Location : Võru County, Piusa Caves Nature Reserve

Võru municipality, Võru County

Navigation instructions : Drive along Räpina-Koidula Road and turn towards Põlva at Karisilla. Drive 7 km, then keep to the left towards Orava. Drive 10 km to Orava, turn left there towards Piusa. Continue for about 2.5 km until you get to Kliima, and them turn right towards Piusa. After about 3 km, the Piusa Cave Museum sign directs you to the left, and after 100 m you are there.


Long-Lat WGS 84
Latitude: 57.841
Longitude: 27.466052
L-EST 97x: 705781
L-EST 97y: 6416343

+372 676 7122
Object type:
hiking trail
Location info
Võru County, Piusa Caves Nature Reserve
Võru municipality, Võru County
Navigation instructions:
Drive along Räpina-Koidula Road and turn towards Põlva at Karisilla. Drive 7 km, then keep to the left towards Orava. Drive 10 km to Orava, turn left there towards Piusa. Continue for about 2.5 km until you get to Kliima, and them turn right towards Piusa. After about 3 km, the Piusa Cave Museum sign directs you to the left, and after 100 m you are there.

Long-Lat WGS 84
Latitude: 57.841
Longitude: 27.466052
L-EST 97x: 705781
L-EST 97y: 6416343

Where to go

Saare study trail (1 km)

Lääne County, Silma Nature Reserve
The most striking feature in Silma Nature Reserve is the reed beds. The Sutlepa Sea is a relict lake separated from the sea as a result of post-glacial rebound and its shores are hemmed with wide expanses of reeds. Here you can listen to the song of great reed warbler, the incessant reeling of Savi’s warbler, and the call of the Eurasian bittern, which resembles the sound of blowing in a bottle.

Parking for 1 tour bus or 5 cars, max 1 caravan


The trail is marked with wooden signs, there’s an information board and an observation deck at the start of the trail. The further observation site is 380 m from the parking area. The trail also features an 7,5 m high Saare observation tower at the edge of the reeds.

Hiking Options



Lyckholm Manor and museum, coastal meadows, relict lakes

Additional Information

Before going on a nature walk please read the Environmental code of conduct, rules of conduct and waste-sorting policy


Recreational fishing in Silma Nature Reserve is prohibited from 1 March to 30 June. Motorised water traffic is prohibited. Cycling outside designated roads and paths and motorised vehicle traffic and parking outside designated roads and parking areas is prohibited in the nature reserve. Camping and making campfire is allowed in designated places only.
Further information can be obtained from the Environmental Board +372 662 5999, info@keskkonnaamet.ee


Telephone: +372 506 2004

E-mail: info.nova@rmk.ee

Object type: study trail

Location info

Location : Lääne County, Silma Nature Reserve

Saare village, Lääne-Nigula municipality, Lääne County

Navigation instructions : Drive on Keila–Haapsalu road, turn right at Linnamäe. Drive 11 km, turn left towards Pürksi at the Aulepa junction. Before Pürksi village turn left (follow the sign to Lyckholm museum) and drive through Saare village. The road ends at the parking area and the lake, and this is where the study trail starts.


Long-Lat WGS 84
Latitude: 59.032857
Longitude: 23.565549
L-EST 97x: 475055
L-EST 97y: 6543856

+372 506 2004
Object type:
study trail
Location info
Lääne County, Silma Nature Reserve
Saare village, Lääne-Nigula municipality, Lääne County
Navigation instructions:
Drive on Keila–Haapsalu road, turn right at Linnamäe. Drive 11 km, turn left towards Pürksi at the Aulepa junction. Before Pürksi village turn left (follow the sign to Lyckholm museum) and drive through Saare village. The road ends at the parking area and the lake, and this is where the study trail starts.

Long-Lat WGS 84
Latitude: 59.032857
Longitude: 23.565549
L-EST 97x: 475055
L-EST 97y: 6543856

Where to go

Tahu study trail (1,4 km)

Lääne County, Silma Nature Reserve
The marked trail begins at the old Tahu manor park and leads to the seaside where there is an observation tower. From the tower you get a beautiful view of the coastal grassland.

Roadside parking


Information board and and observation tower at the end of the trail

Hiking Options



Coastal grasslands, relict lakes

Additional Information

Before going on a nature walk please read the Environmental code of conduct, rules of conduct and waste-sorting policy


Recreational fishing in Silma Nature Reserve is prohibited from 1 March to 30 June. Motorised water traffic is prohibited. Cycling outside designated roads and paths and motorised vehicle traffic and parking outside designated roads and parking areas is prohibited in the nature reserve. Camping and making campfire is allowed in designated places only.
Further information can be obtained from the Environmental Board +372 662 5999, info@keskkonnaamet.ee


Telephone: +372 506 2004

E-mail: info.nova@rmk.ee

Object type: study trail

Location info

Location : Lääne County, Silma Nature Reserve

Tahu village, Lääne-Nigula municipality, Lääne County

Navigation instructions : Drive on Keila–Haapsalu road, turn right at Linnamäe. Drive 11 km, turn left towards Pürksi at the Aulepa junction. Drive through Pürksi village 3.5 km along Tahu road to the parking area. Park your car and follow the 700 m path to the observation tower.


Long-Lat WGS 84
Latitude: 58.984552
Longitude: 23.556461
L-EST 97x: 474216
L-EST 97y: 6538449

+372 506 2004
Object type:
study trail
Location info
Lääne County, Silma Nature Reserve
Tahu village, Lääne-Nigula municipality, Lääne County
Navigation instructions:
Drive on Keila–Haapsalu road, turn right at Linnamäe. Drive 11 km, turn left towards Pürksi at the Aulepa junction. Drive through Pürksi village 3.5 km along Tahu road to the parking area. Park your car and follow the 700 m path to the observation tower.

Long-Lat WGS 84
Latitude: 58.984552
Longitude: 23.556461
L-EST 97x: 474216
L-EST 97y: 6538449

Where to go

Saare observation tower

Lääne County, Silma Nature Reserve
From this observation tower you can view with binoculars the birds swimming on the Sutlepa sea. During spring and autumn migration you can see thousands of aquatic birds stopping here (swans, ducks, aythyas, long-tailed ducks etc). On April and May nights you can hear the load low voice eurasian bittern from the reed, that is similar to blowing into a glass bottle. Over the sea you can see gliding the white-tailed eagle. 

Parking for 5 cars


7,5 m high observation tower

Hiking Options

Saare study trail


Coastal meadows and juniper groves

Additional Information

Before going on a nature walk please read the Environmental code of conduct, rules of conduct and waste-sorting policy


Recreational fishing in Silma Nature Reserve is prohibited from 1 March to 30 June. Motorised water traffic is prohibited. Cycling outside designated roads and paths and motorised vehicle traffic and parking outside designated roads and parking areas is prohibited in the nature reserve. Camping and making campfire is allowed in designated places only.
Further information can be obtained from the Environmental Board +372 662 5999, info@keskkonnaamet.ee


Telephone: +372 506 2004

E-mail: info.nova@rmk.ee

Object type: observation tower

Location info

Location : Lääne County, Silma Nature Reserve

Saare village, Lääne-Nigula municipality, Lääne County

Navigation instructions : From Tallinn:
Drive to Keila. Start driving towards Haapsalu on the Keila-Haapsalu road and turn right at Linnamäe. Drive 11 km and turn left towards Pürksi from Aulepa crossroads. Before Pürksi turn left again (sign „Lyckholmi muuseum") and drive through Saare village. The road ends at the parking area by a lake. From the lake beings a study trail that takes you to the observation tower.


Long-Lat WGS 84
Latitude: 59.034856
Longitude: 23.5706278
L-EST 97x: 475348
L-EST 97y: 6544077

+372 506 2004
Object type:
observation tower
Location info
Lääne County, Silma Nature Reserve
Saare village, Lääne-Nigula municipality, Lääne County
Navigation instructions:
From Tallinn:
Drive to Keila. Start driving towards Haapsalu on the Keila-Haapsalu road and turn right at Linnamäe. Drive 11 km and turn left towards Pürksi from Aulepa crossroads. Before Pürksi turn left again (sign „Lyckholmi muuseum") and drive through Saare village. The road ends at the parking area by a lake. From the lake beings a study trail that takes you to the observation tower.

Long-Lat WGS 84
Latitude: 59.034856
Longitude: 23.5706278
L-EST 97x: 475348
L-EST 97y: 6544077

Where to go

Võnnussaare observation tower

Lääne County, Silma Nature Reserve

Suitable for a solitary wanderer interested in birds and nature. Beautiful view to the Tahu Bay. The road is not marked, it is necessary to bring a GPS device.


Leave your car at the Saare manor


Observation tower


South of the Võnnussaare observation tower you can see the biggest erratic boalders of North-West Estonia - the Kalevipoja stones.

Additional Information

Before going on a nature walk please read the Environmental code of conduct, rules of conduct and waste-sorting policy


Recreational fishing in Silma Nature Reserve is prohibited from 1 March to 30 June. Motorised water traffic is prohibited. Cycling outside designated roads and paths and motorised vehicle traffic and parking outside designated roads and parking areas is prohibited in the nature reserve. Camping and making campfire is allowed in designated places only.
Further information can be obtained from the Environmental Board +372 662 5999, info@keskkonnaamet.ee


Telephone: +372 506 2004

E-mail: info.nova@rmk.ee

Object type: observation tower

Location info

Location : Lääne County, Silma Nature Reserve

Lääne-Nigula municipality, Lääne County

Navigation instructions : Drive to Keila. Start driving towards Haapsalu on the Keila-Haapsalu road and turn right at Linnamäe. Drive 11 km and turn left towards Pürksi from Aulepa crossroads. Before Pürksi turn left again (sign „Lyckholmi muuseum") and drive to Saare Manor. Leave your car there and continue with the help of the GPS device.


Long-Lat WGS 84
Latitude: 59.002956
Longitude: 23.598189
L-EST 97x: 476909
L-EST 97y: 6540514

+372 506 2004
Object type:
observation tower
Location info
Lääne County, Silma Nature Reserve
Lääne-Nigula municipality, Lääne County
Navigation instructions:
Drive to Keila. Start driving towards Haapsalu on the Keila-Haapsalu road and turn right at Linnamäe. Drive 11 km and turn left towards Pürksi from Aulepa crossroads. Before Pürksi turn left again (sign „Lyckholmi muuseum") and drive to Saare Manor. Leave your car there and continue with the help of the GPS device.

Long-Lat WGS 84
Latitude: 59.002956
Longitude: 23.598189
L-EST 97x: 476909
L-EST 97y: 6540514