Where to go

Kirikumäe campfire site Järvamaa

Järva County, Endla Nature Reserve

A campfire site located on the bank of the Põltsamaa River.


Roadside parking


Fire ring, information board, 2 benches


The maximum number of tents (for 4) allowed is 2.

Outdoor Fireplace

Uncovered Fireplace


Põltsamaa River, riparian habitats

Additional Information

Before going on a nature walk please read the Environmental code of conduct, rules of conduct and waste-sorting policy


Situated in Endla Nature Reserve. To organise a public event with more than 20 participants, drive an off-road vehicle and go on a boating trip, a permit must be obtained from the protected area manager. Further information can be obtained from the Environmental Board +372 662 5999, info@keskkonnaamet.ee


Telephone: +372 676 7030

E-mail: info.elistvere@rmk.ee

Object type: campfire site

Location info

Location : Järva County, Endla Nature Reserve

Järva municipality, Järva County

Navigation instructions : On Tallinn–Tartu road at Mäeküla junction turn towards Koeru (sign “Koeru 34 km”). Just before Koeru take a turn to the right (follow the sign “Norra-Oostriku allikad 7 km”). Drive 11.8 km and turn left (follow the sign “Kirikumäe lõkkekoht”) and then drive 2.6 km to the Põltsamaa River.


Long-Lat WGS 84
Latitude: 58.871222
Longitude: 26.104030
L-EST 97x: 621353
L-EST 97y: 6527674

+372 676 7030
Object type:
campfire site
Location info
Järva County, Endla Nature Reserve
Järva municipality, Järva County
Navigation instructions:
On Tallinn–Tartu road at Mäeküla junction turn towards Koeru (sign “Koeru 34 km”). Just before Koeru take a turn to the right (follow the sign “Norra-Oostriku allikad 7 km”). Drive 11.8 km and turn left (follow the sign “Kirikumäe lõkkekoht”) and then drive 2.6 km to the Põltsamaa River.

Long-Lat WGS 84
Latitude: 58.871222
Longitude: 26.104030
L-EST 97x: 621353
L-EST 97y: 6527674

Where to go

Männikjärve bog study trail (7.3 km)

Jõgeva County, Endla Nature Reserve

The trail starts and ends at Tooma. On average, it takes 2 hours to walk the trail. The entire 210-hectare Lake Männikjärv bog is visible from the 7-metre observation tower built at the study trail. There are more than 120 pools located in a curve around the paludification centres of Lake Männikjärv bog.


Parking for 10 cars and 2 buses in the centre of Tooma.


1.3 km boardwalk, 7 m observation tower, 13 information boards, 2-stall toilet, 5 bridges, the trail is marked with blue spots on the trees.

Hiking Options



Lake Männikjärv bog with all the species who are living there. The historical Tooma village, in which mire research in Estonia started in 1910. Since 1950 meteorological observations have been conducted and also the movement of water in the bog has been monitored here.

Additional Information

  • During high water periods some sections of the trail can be impassable. Making campfire and camping along the trail is prohibited. 
  • Before going on a nature walk please read the Environmental code of conduct, rules of conduct and waste-sorting policy


Situated in Endla Nature Reserve.
For going on Lake Männikjärv, organising public events with more than 20 participants, and driving an off-road vehicle, a permit must be obtained from protected area manager. Further information can be obtained from the Environmental Board +372 662 5999, info@keskkonnaamet.ee


Telephone: +372 676 7030

E-mail: info.elistvere@rmk.ee

Object type: study trail

Location info

Location : Jõgeva County, Endla Nature Reserve

Jõgeva Municipality, Jõgeva County

Navigation instructions : The distance to Tooma from Tallinn is 143 km (along the Piibe road 136 km), from Tartu 72 km, from Rakvere 61 km, from Jõgeva 21 km.
When coming from Tallinn, drive along Tallinn–Tartu road, turn left at Mäeküla towards Koeru, drive through Koeru and turn towards Tartu at Kapu junction. On Tartu–Rakvere road (66 km from Tartu, about 3 km from Vägeva towards Jõgeva) a brown sign directs you to Endla Nature Reserve. Turn right on the hill (follow the sign to the parking area) and drive ca 400 m to the parking area at the centre of Endla Nature Reserve. Follow RMK signs to the study trail.


Long-Lat WGS 84
Latitude: 58.876262
Longitude: 26.272929
L-EST 97x: 631072
L-EST 97y: 6528553

+372 676 7030
Object type:
study trail
Location info
Jõgeva County, Endla Nature Reserve
Jõgeva Municipality, Jõgeva County
Navigation instructions:
The distance to Tooma from Tallinn is 143 km (along the Piibe road 136 km), from Tartu 72 km, from Rakvere 61 km, from Jõgeva 21 km.
When coming from Tallinn, drive along Tallinn–Tartu road, turn left at Mäeküla towards Koeru, drive through Koeru and turn towards Tartu at Kapu junction. On Tartu–Rakvere road (66 km from Tartu, about 3 km from Vägeva towards Jõgeva) a brown sign directs you to Endla Nature Reserve. Turn right on the hill (follow the sign to the parking area) and drive ca 400 m to the parking area at the centre of Endla Nature Reserve. Follow RMK signs to the study trail.

Long-Lat WGS 84
Latitude: 58.876262
Longitude: 26.272929
L-EST 97x: 631072
L-EST 97y: 6528553

Where to go

Sopa spring study trail (900 m)

Järva County, Endla Nature Reserve
The walk to Sopa spring and back is about 900 m long and takes about one hour. On the trail one can watch the grassland and drained peatland forest communities, the species living there, and the Sopa stream and spring, which is the deepest spring in Estonia.

Roadside parking


Observation platform around the spring, partly boardwalk, partly wood chip path, 2 information boards, 1 small bridge

Hiking Options



The deepest spring in Estonia (4.8 m), Sopa grassland, Sopa stream, Sopa spring and protected orchid species.

Additional Information

Before going on a nature walk please read the Environmental code of conduct, rules of conduct and waste-sorting policy


Situated in Endla Nature Reserve.
Camping and making campfire is prohibited along this trail. For driving an off-road vehicle and organising a public event with more than 20 participants, a permit must be obtained from the protected area manager. Further information can be obtained from the Environmental Board +372 662 5999, info@keskkonnaamet.ee


Telephone: +372 676 7495

E-mail: info.elistvere@rmk.ee

Object type: study trail

Location info

Location : Järva County, Endla Nature Reserve

Järva municipality, Järva County

Navigation instructions : On Tallinn–Tartu road at Mäeküla junction turn towards Koeru (sign “Koeru 34 km”). Just before Koeru turn to the right (follow the sign “Norra-Oostriku allikad 7 km”). Drive 10.6 km. The trail starts at the edge of the Sopa grassland to the right of the road.


Long-Lat WGS 84
Latitude: 58.871294
Longitude: 26.048027
L-EST 97x: 6527582
L-EST 97y: 618124

+372 676 7495
Object type:
study trail
Location info
Järva County, Endla Nature Reserve
Järva municipality, Järva County
Navigation instructions:
On Tallinn–Tartu road at Mäeküla junction turn towards Koeru (sign “Koeru 34 km”). Just before Koeru turn to the right (follow the sign “Norra-Oostriku allikad 7 km”). Drive 10.6 km. The trail starts at the edge of the Sopa grassland to the right of the road.

Long-Lat WGS 84
Latitude: 58.871294
Longitude: 26.048027
L-EST 97x: 6527582
L-EST 97y: 618124

Where to go

Räägu rest stop

Jõgeva County, Endla Nature Reserve
Fishermen and hikers travelling between Lake Endla and Lake Sinijärv can have a rest at the rest stop at the end of Räägu canal.

Parking area at Kärde canal


Benches, campfire ring


Lake Endla

Additional Information

Before going on a nature walk please read the Environmental code of conduct, rules of conduct and waste-sorting policy


During the rest of the year it is possible to stay at the campfire site with the consent of protected area manager. To organise a public event with more than 20 participants, go boating or stay on Lake Endla and Lake Sinijärv, a written permit must be obtained from protected area manager. For fishing on Lake Endla and Lake Sinijärv the fishing card is required. Further information can be obtained from the Environmental Board +372 662 5999, info@keskkonnaamet.ee


Telephone: +372 676 7030

E-mail: info.elistvere@rmk.ee

Object type: rest stop

Location info

Location : Jõgeva County, Endla Nature Reserve

Jõgeva Municipality, Jõgeva County

Navigation instructions : The object is only accessible by watercraft from Lake Endla or Lake Sinijärv.


Long-Lat WGS 84
Latitude: 58.866421
Longitude: 26.176360
L-EST 97x: 625541
L-EST 97y: 6527273

+372 676 7030
Object type:
rest stop
Location info
Jõgeva County, Endla Nature Reserve
Jõgeva Municipality, Jõgeva County
Navigation instructions:
The object is only accessible by watercraft from Lake Endla or Lake Sinijärv.

Long-Lat WGS 84
Latitude: 58.866421
Longitude: 26.176360
L-EST 97x: 625541
L-EST 97y: 6527273

Where to go

Männikjärve bog study trail’s observation tower (ca 2.3 km from the parking)

Jõgeva County, Endla Nature Reserve
The observation tower is located in the middle of the boardwalk and offers a view of the entire 210 ha Männikjärve bog.

Parking for 10 cars and 2 buses in the centre of Tooma.


7 m high wooden observation tower, 1 bench on the platform below, open on top, boardwalk

Hiking Options

Männikjärve bog study trail


View of Männikjärve bog

Additional Information

  • During high water periods some sections of the trail can be impassable. Making campfire and camping along the trail is prohibited.
  • Before going on a nature walk please read the Environmental code of conduct, rules of conduct and waste-sorting policy


Situated in Endla Nature Reserve.
For going on Lake Männikjärv, organising public events with more than 20 participants, and driving an off-road vehicle, a permit must be obtained from protected area manager. Further information can be obtained from the Environmental Board +372 662 5999, info@keskkonnaamet.ee


Telephone: +372 676 7030

E-mail: info.elistvere@rmk.ee

Object type: observation tower

Location info

Location : Jõgeva County, Endla Nature Reserve

Jõgeva Municipality, Jõgeva County

Navigation instructions : The distance to Tooma from Tallinn is 143 km (along the Piibe road 136 km), from Tartu 72 km, from Rakvere 61 km, from Jõgeva 21 km.
When coming from Tallinn, drive along Tallinn–Tartu road, turn left at Mäeküla towards Koeru, drive through Koeru and turn towards Tartu at Kapu junction. On Tartu–Rakvere road (66 km from Tartu, about 3 km from Vägeva towards Jõgeva) a brown sign directs you to Endla Nature Reserve. Turn right on the hill (follow the sign to the parking area) and drive ca 400 m to the parking area at the centre of Endla Nature Reserve. Follow RMK signs to the study trail.


Long-Lat WGS 84
Latitude: 58.8759
Longitude: 26.247371
L-EST 97x: 629600
L-EST 97y: 6528463

+372 676 7030
Object type:
observation tower
Location info
Jõgeva County, Endla Nature Reserve
Jõgeva Municipality, Jõgeva County
Navigation instructions:
The distance to Tooma from Tallinn is 143 km (along the Piibe road 136 km), from Tartu 72 km, from Rakvere 61 km, from Jõgeva 21 km.
When coming from Tallinn, drive along Tallinn–Tartu road, turn left at Mäeküla towards Koeru, drive through Koeru and turn towards Tartu at Kapu junction. On Tartu–Rakvere road (66 km from Tartu, about 3 km from Vägeva towards Jõgeva) a brown sign directs you to Endla Nature Reserve. Turn right on the hill (follow the sign to the parking area) and drive ca 400 m to the parking area at the centre of Endla Nature Reserve. Follow RMK signs to the study trail.

Long-Lat WGS 84
Latitude: 58.8759
Longitude: 26.247371
L-EST 97x: 629600
L-EST 97y: 6528463

Where to go

Põltsamaa River water trail in Endla (35 km)

Järva County, Endla Nature Reserve
The trail starts at Pagari bridge and ends at Jõemõisa.

Roadside parking near Pagari bridge.


Information board at Pagari bridge, signs on the riverbank, Tammemägi hill and Kirikumägi campfire sites, a recreation site with fire ring near the place where the Nava River and Räägu canal meet.

Hiking Options


Outdoor Fireplace

Uncovered Fireplace


Põltsamaa River, Nava River, Räägu Canal, Lake Endla, Lake Sinijärv, bogs, water vegetation, traces of beaver activity, water and bog birds

Additional Information

  • Before going on a nature walk please read the Environmental code of conduct, rules of conduct and waste-sorting policy
  • Please note that there may be natural obstacles on the trail.
  • No firewood is provided at campfire sites.


Situated in Endla Nature Reserve.
Camping and making campfire is permitted only in prepared and designated places. To organise a public event with more than 20 participants, organise boat trips or go on Lake Endla and Lake Sinijärv, a permit must be obtained from protected area manager. For fishing on Lake Endla and Sinijärv the fishing card is required.
Further information can be obtained from the Environmental Board +372 662 5999, info@keskkonnaamet.ee


Telephone: +372 676 7030

E-mail: info.elistvere@rmk.ee

Object type: hiking trail

Location info

Location : Järva County, Endla Nature Reserve

Väike-Maarja municipality, Lääne-Viru County
Järva municipality, Järva County Jõgeva municipality, Jõgeva County

Navigation instructions : Watercraft may be launched or landed at Pagari bridge. When coming from the direction of Tartu, drive 75 km along Tartu–Piibe road (follow the sign to K.E. Baer’s birthplace), turn left and drive through Piibe manor to the Pagari bridge on the Põltsamaa River (3.3 km).


Long-Lat WGS 84
Latitude: 58.921588
Longitude: 26.180299
L-EST 97x: 625568.72
L-EST 97y: 6533422.43

+372 676 7030
Object type:
hiking trail
Location info
Järva County, Endla Nature Reserve
Väike-Maarja municipality, Lääne-Viru County
Järva municipality, Järva County Jõgeva municipality, Jõgeva County
Navigation instructions:
Watercraft may be launched or landed at Pagari bridge. When coming from the direction of Tartu, drive 75 km along Tartu–Piibe road (follow the sign to K.E. Baer’s birthplace), turn left and drive through Piibe manor to the Pagari bridge on the Põltsamaa River (3.3 km).

Long-Lat WGS 84
Latitude: 58.921588
Longitude: 26.180299
L-EST 97x: 625568.72
L-EST 97y: 6533422.43

Where to go

Valtri kaevu rest stop

Järva County, Endla Nature Reserve
Valtri well is a man-made spring. The legend goes that Valter from Saaremaa found water while digging a ditch at the Jõeküla road. A strong jet of water gushed out and rose to the height of treetops, flooded the nearby grasslands, and drowned the ditch digger. Over the years the flow of the spring has reduced and at times it stops altogether.

Roadside parking for one bus or two cars.


Boardwalk, platform, information board, 1 bench


Oostriku springs, Oostriku River, fen by the spring-fed river, vegetation (e.g. protected orchid species and the common butterwort). Valtri well (a man-made spring).

Additional Information

Before going on a nature walk please read the Environmental code of conduct, rules of conduct and waste-sorting policy


Camping or making campfire is prohibited!  Situated in Endla Nature Reserve.To organise a public event with more than 20 participants, a permit must be obtained from the protected area manager (Environmental Board). Recreational fishing on the Oostriku River is allowed with fishing card only. Further information can be obtained from the Environmental Board +372 662 5999, info@keskkonnaamet.ee


Telephone: +372 676 7030

E-mail: info.elistvere@rmk.ee

Object type: rest stop

Location info

Location : Järva County, Endla Nature Reserve

Järva municipality, Järva County

Navigation instructions : On Tallinn–Tartu road at Mäeküla junction turn towards Koeru (sign “Koeru 34 km”). Just before Koeru turn to the right (follow the sign “Norra-Oostriku allikad 7 km”). Drive 8.4 km to Oostriku Suurallikas (Big Spring).


Long-Lat WGS 84
Latitude: 58.890044
Longitude: 26.048577
L-EST 97x: 6529671
L-EST 97y: 618092

+372 676 7030
Object type:
rest stop
Location info
Järva County, Endla Nature Reserve
Järva municipality, Järva County
Navigation instructions:
On Tallinn–Tartu road at Mäeküla junction turn towards Koeru (sign “Koeru 34 km”). Just before Koeru turn to the right (follow the sign “Norra-Oostriku allikad 7 km”). Drive 8.4 km to Oostriku Suurallikas (Big Spring).

Long-Lat WGS 84
Latitude: 58.890044
Longitude: 26.048577
L-EST 97x: 6529671
L-EST 97y: 618092

Where to go

Sinijärve campfire site

Jõgeva County, Endla Nature Reserve
The campfire site is located on the shore of Lake Sinijärv.

Parking for 5 cars at the campfire site.


Fire ring, 3 benches, shelter, 2-stall toilet, information board

Outdoor Fireplace

Covered Fireplace


Lake Sinijärv, Räägu canal, pool-and-weir fish ladder, protected orchid species.

Additional Information

Before going on a nature walk please read the Environmental code of conduct, rules of conduct and waste-sorting policy


Situated in Endla Nature Reserve.
Sinijärve campfire site is closed for visitors from 01 April to 01 July.
At other times for staying at the campfire site the protected area manager’s consent is required. To organise a public event with more than 20 participants, go boating or stay on Lake Endla and Lake Sinijärv, a permit must be obtained from protected area manager (Environmental Board). For fishing on Lake Endla and Sinijärv the fishing card is required. Further information can be obtained from the Environmental Board +372 662 5999, info@keskkonnaamet.ee


Telephone: +372 676 7030

E-mail: info.elistvere@rmk.ee

Object type: campfire site

Location info

Location : Jõgeva County, Endla Nature Reserve

Jõgeva Municipality, Jõgeva County

Navigation instructions : Access by water: from Lake Endla or the Nava River – go along the Räägu canal over Lake Sinijärv, land before the weir on Lake Sinijärv.
Access by road: drive 10 km along Jõgeva–Põltsamaa road and in Aidu village turn towards Lahavere, drive 4 km. At Lahavere turn right (follow the sign to Tapiku), drive 5.5 km. At Tapiku manor park turn left and drive 6.5 km. 0.5 km before the Jõeküla bridge turn right and drive 7 km (there is a barrier on the road).


Long-Lat WGS 84
Latitude: 58.862441
Longitude: 26.146758
L-EST 97x: 6526775
L-EST 97y: 623848

+372 676 7030
Object type:
campfire site
Location info
Jõgeva County, Endla Nature Reserve
Jõgeva Municipality, Jõgeva County
Navigation instructions:
Access by water: from Lake Endla or the Nava River – go along the Räägu canal over Lake Sinijärv, land before the weir on Lake Sinijärv.
Access by road: drive 10 km along Jõgeva–Põltsamaa road and in Aidu village turn towards Lahavere, drive 4 km. At Lahavere turn right (follow the sign to Tapiku), drive 5.5 km. At Tapiku manor park turn left and drive 6.5 km. 0.5 km before the Jõeküla bridge turn right and drive 7 km (there is a barrier on the road).

Long-Lat WGS 84
Latitude: 58.862441
Longitude: 26.146758
L-EST 97x: 6526775
L-EST 97y: 623848

Where to go

Vana paadisadama campfire site

Jõgeva County, Endla Nature Reserve
The ‘Old Boat Harbour’ campfire site is on Lake Endla hiking trail. This is the site of a former boat harbour, with a platform for watching the lake. The Lake Endla bird observation tower is nearby.

Kärde road parking area for 5 cars


Fire ring, observation platform, 2 benches, information board and toilet

Hiking Options


Outdoor Fireplace

Covered Fireplace


Lake Endla, Kaasikjärve bog and its biota

Additional Information

Before going on a nature walk please read the Environmental code of conduct, rules of conduct and waste-sorting policy


Situated in Endla Nature Reserve.
To organise a public event with more than 20 participants, organise boat trips or stay on Lake Endla and Lake Sinijärv, a permit must be obtained from protected area manager. For fishing on Lake Endla and Sinijärv the fishing card is required. Further information can be obtained from the Environmental Board +372 662 5999, info@keskkonnaamet.ee


Telephone: +372 676 7030

E-mail: info.elistvere@rmk.ee

Object type: campfire site

Location info

Location : Jõgeva County, Endla Nature Reserve

Kärde village, Jõgeva Municipality, Jõgeva County

Navigation instructions : Drive 60 km along Tartu–Piibe road and turn left on Kärde hill, (follow the sign "Kärde") and drive 0.8 km past Kärde Rahumaja (“Peace House”). Then turn left, drive 0.7 km until the road branches. Keep to the right and drive 2.4 km. From the information board walk 1.7 km along Lake Endla hiking trail.


Long-Lat WGS 84
Latitude: 58.853622
Longitude: 26.217580
L-EST 97x: 6525926
L-EST 97y: 627965

+372 676 7030
Object type:
campfire site
Location info
Jõgeva County, Endla Nature Reserve
Kärde village, Jõgeva Municipality, Jõgeva County
Navigation instructions:
Drive 60 km along Tartu–Piibe road and turn left on Kärde hill, (follow the sign "Kärde") and drive 0.8 km past Kärde Rahumaja (“Peace House”). Then turn left, drive 0.7 km until the road branches. Keep to the right and drive 2.4 km. From the information board walk 1.7 km along Lake Endla hiking trail.

Long-Lat WGS 84
Latitude: 58.853622
Longitude: 26.217580
L-EST 97x: 6525926
L-EST 97y: 627965

Where to go

Oostriku river campfire site

Järva County, Endla Nature Reserve
The campfire site is located by the Oostriku River. The 6.4 km river starts from Oostriku Suurallikas (Large Spring). At the campfire site walk across the road and see the place where the Oostriku River, the Norra stream and the Vao main ditch join and flow as one towards the Põltsamaa River.

Roadside parking for one bus and 2 cars


Shelter, fire ring, 3 benches, toilet, information board

Outdoor Fireplace

Covered Fireplace


Oostriku River, various fish species (incl. the brown trout)

Additional Information

Before going on a nature walk please read the Environmental code of conduct, rules of conduct and waste-sorting policy


Situated in Endla Nature Reserve.
To organise a public event with more than 20 participants, a permit must be obtained from the protected area manager. Recreational fishing on the Oostriku River is allowed with fishing card only. Further information can be obtained from the Environmental Board +372 662 5999, info@keskkonnaamet.ee


Telephone: +372 676 7030

E-mail: info.elistvere@rmk.ee

Object type: campfire site

Location info

Location : Järva County, Endla Nature Reserve

Järva municipality, Järva County

Navigation instructions : On Tallinn–Tartu road at Mäeküla junction turn towards Koeru (sign "Koeru 34 km"). Just before Koeru turn to the right (follow the sign “Norra-Oostriku allikad 7 km”). Drive 3 km and turn right (follow the sign “Endla looduskaitseala 4 km”). Drive ca 3 km along Norra–Jõeküla road. The campsite is to the left of the road.


Long-Lat WGS 84
Latitude: 58.887491
Longitude: 26.048436
L-EST 97x: 6529386
L-EST 97y: 618092

+372 676 7030
Object type:
campfire site
Location info
Järva County, Endla Nature Reserve
Järva municipality, Järva County
Navigation instructions:
On Tallinn–Tartu road at Mäeküla junction turn towards Koeru (sign "Koeru 34 km"). Just before Koeru turn to the right (follow the sign “Norra-Oostriku allikad 7 km”). Drive 3 km and turn right (follow the sign “Endla looduskaitseala 4 km”). Drive ca 3 km along Norra–Jõeküla road. The campsite is to the left of the road.

Long-Lat WGS 84
Latitude: 58.887491
Longitude: 26.048436
L-EST 97x: 6529386
L-EST 97y: 618092