Where to go

Kirikumäe campfire site Järvamaa

Järva County, Endla Nature Reserve

A campfire site located on the bank of the Põltsamaa River.


Roadside parking


Fire ring, information board, 2 benches


The maximum number of tents (for 4) allowed is 2.

Outdoor Fireplace

Uncovered Fireplace


Põltsamaa River, riparian habitats

Additional Information

Before going on a nature walk please read the Environmental code of conduct, rules of conduct and waste-sorting policy


Situated in Endla Nature Reserve. To organise a public event with more than 20 participants, drive an off-road vehicle and go on a boating trip, a permit must be obtained from the protected area manager. Further information can be obtained from the Environmental Board +372 662 5999, info@keskkonnaamet.ee


Telephone: +372 676 7030

E-mail: info.elistvere@rmk.ee

Object type: campfire site

Location info

Location : Järva County, Endla Nature Reserve

Järva municipality, Järva County

Navigation instructions : On Tallinn–Tartu road at Mäeküla junction turn towards Koeru (sign “Koeru 34 km”). Just before Koeru take a turn to the right (follow the sign “Norra-Oostriku allikad 7 km”). Drive 11.8 km and turn left (follow the sign “Kirikumäe lõkkekoht”) and then drive 2.6 km to the Põltsamaa River.


Long-Lat WGS 84
Latitude: 58.871222
Longitude: 26.104030
L-EST 97x: 621353
L-EST 97y: 6527674

+372 676 7030
Object type:
campfire site
Location info
Järva County, Endla Nature Reserve
Järva municipality, Järva County
Navigation instructions:
On Tallinn–Tartu road at Mäeküla junction turn towards Koeru (sign “Koeru 34 km”). Just before Koeru take a turn to the right (follow the sign “Norra-Oostriku allikad 7 km”). Drive 11.8 km and turn left (follow the sign “Kirikumäe lõkkekoht”) and then drive 2.6 km to the Põltsamaa River.

Long-Lat WGS 84
Latitude: 58.871222
Longitude: 26.104030
L-EST 97x: 621353
L-EST 97y: 6527674

Where to go

Männikjärve bog study trail (7.3 km)

Jõgeva County, Endla Nature Reserve

The trail starts and ends at Tooma. On average, it takes 2 hours to walk the trail. The entire 210-hectare Lake Männikjärv bog is visible from the 7-metre observation tower built at the study trail. There are more than 120 pools located in a curve around the paludification centres of Lake Männikjärv bog.


Parking for 10 cars and 2 buses in the centre of Tooma.


1.3 km boardwalk, 7 m observation tower, 13 information boards, 2-stall toilet, 5 bridges, the trail is marked with blue spots on the trees.

Hiking Options



Lake Männikjärv bog with all the species who are living there. The historical Tooma village, in which mire research in Estonia started in 1910. Since 1950 meteorological observations have been conducted and also the movement of water in the bog has been monitored here.

Additional Information

  • During high water periods some sections of the trail can be impassable. Making campfire and camping along the trail is prohibited. 
  • Before going on a nature walk please read the Environmental code of conduct, rules of conduct and waste-sorting policy


Situated in Endla Nature Reserve.
For going on Lake Männikjärv, organising public events with more than 20 participants, and driving an off-road vehicle, a permit must be obtained from protected area manager. Further information can be obtained from the Environmental Board +372 662 5999, info@keskkonnaamet.ee


Telephone: +372 676 7030

E-mail: info.elistvere@rmk.ee

Object type: study trail

Location info

Location : Jõgeva County, Endla Nature Reserve

Jõgeva Municipality, Jõgeva County

Navigation instructions : The distance to Tooma from Tallinn is 143 km (along the Piibe road 136 km), from Tartu 72 km, from Rakvere 61 km, from Jõgeva 21 km.
When coming from Tallinn, drive along Tallinn–Tartu road, turn left at Mäeküla towards Koeru, drive through Koeru and turn towards Tartu at Kapu junction. On Tartu–Rakvere road (66 km from Tartu, about 3 km from Vägeva towards Jõgeva) a brown sign directs you to Endla Nature Reserve. Turn right on the hill (follow the sign to the parking area) and drive ca 400 m to the parking area at the centre of Endla Nature Reserve. Follow RMK signs to the study trail.


Long-Lat WGS 84
Latitude: 58.876262
Longitude: 26.272929
L-EST 97x: 631072
L-EST 97y: 6528553

+372 676 7030
Object type:
study trail
Location info
Jõgeva County, Endla Nature Reserve
Jõgeva Municipality, Jõgeva County
Navigation instructions:
The distance to Tooma from Tallinn is 143 km (along the Piibe road 136 km), from Tartu 72 km, from Rakvere 61 km, from Jõgeva 21 km.
When coming from Tallinn, drive along Tallinn–Tartu road, turn left at Mäeküla towards Koeru, drive through Koeru and turn towards Tartu at Kapu junction. On Tartu–Rakvere road (66 km from Tartu, about 3 km from Vägeva towards Jõgeva) a brown sign directs you to Endla Nature Reserve. Turn right on the hill (follow the sign to the parking area) and drive ca 400 m to the parking area at the centre of Endla Nature Reserve. Follow RMK signs to the study trail.

Long-Lat WGS 84
Latitude: 58.876262
Longitude: 26.272929
L-EST 97x: 631072
L-EST 97y: 6528553

Where to go

Sopa spring study trail (900 m)

Järva County, Endla Nature Reserve
The walk to Sopa spring and back is about 900 m long and takes about one hour. On the trail one can watch the grassland and drained peatland forest communities, the species living there, and the Sopa stream and spring, which is the deepest spring in Estonia.

Roadside parking


Observation platform around the spring, partly boardwalk, partly wood chip path, 2 information boards, 1 small bridge

Hiking Options



The deepest spring in Estonia (4.8 m), Sopa grassland, Sopa stream, Sopa spring and protected orchid species.

Additional Information

Before going on a nature walk please read the Environmental code of conduct, rules of conduct and waste-sorting policy


Situated in Endla Nature Reserve.
Camping and making campfire is prohibited along this trail. For driving an off-road vehicle and organising a public event with more than 20 participants, a permit must be obtained from the protected area manager. Further information can be obtained from the Environmental Board +372 662 5999, info@keskkonnaamet.ee


Telephone: +372 676 7495

E-mail: info.elistvere@rmk.ee

Object type: study trail

Location info

Location : Järva County, Endla Nature Reserve

Järva municipality, Järva County

Navigation instructions : On Tallinn–Tartu road at Mäeküla junction turn towards Koeru (sign “Koeru 34 km”). Just before Koeru turn to the right (follow the sign “Norra-Oostriku allikad 7 km”). Drive 10.6 km. The trail starts at the edge of the Sopa grassland to the right of the road.


Long-Lat WGS 84
Latitude: 58.871294
Longitude: 26.048027
L-EST 97x: 6527582
L-EST 97y: 618124

+372 676 7495
Object type:
study trail
Location info
Järva County, Endla Nature Reserve
Järva municipality, Järva County
Navigation instructions:
On Tallinn–Tartu road at Mäeküla junction turn towards Koeru (sign “Koeru 34 km”). Just before Koeru turn to the right (follow the sign “Norra-Oostriku allikad 7 km”). Drive 10.6 km. The trail starts at the edge of the Sopa grassland to the right of the road.

Long-Lat WGS 84
Latitude: 58.871294
Longitude: 26.048027
L-EST 97x: 6527582
L-EST 97y: 618124

Where to go

Räägu rest stop

Jõgeva County, Endla Nature Reserve
Fishermen and hikers travelling between Lake Endla and Lake Sinijärv can have a rest at the rest stop at the end of Räägu canal.

Parking area at Kärde canal


Benches, campfire ring


Lake Endla

Additional Information

Before going on a nature walk please read the Environmental code of conduct, rules of conduct and waste-sorting policy


During the rest of the year it is possible to stay at the campfire site with the consent of protected area manager. To organise a public event with more than 20 participants, go boating or stay on Lake Endla and Lake Sinijärv, a written permit must be obtained from protected area manager. For fishing on Lake Endla and Lake Sinijärv the fishing card is required. Further information can be obtained from the Environmental Board +372 662 5999, info@keskkonnaamet.ee


Telephone: +372 676 7030

E-mail: info.elistvere@rmk.ee

Object type: rest stop

Location info

Location : Jõgeva County, Endla Nature Reserve

Jõgeva Municipality, Jõgeva County

Navigation instructions : The object is only accessible by watercraft from Lake Endla or Lake Sinijärv.


Long-Lat WGS 84
Latitude: 58.866421
Longitude: 26.176360
L-EST 97x: 625541
L-EST 97y: 6527273

+372 676 7030
Object type:
rest stop
Location info
Jõgeva County, Endla Nature Reserve
Jõgeva Municipality, Jõgeva County
Navigation instructions:
The object is only accessible by watercraft from Lake Endla or Lake Sinijärv.

Long-Lat WGS 84
Latitude: 58.866421
Longitude: 26.176360
L-EST 97x: 625541
L-EST 97y: 6527273

Where to go

Männikjärve bog study trail’s observation tower (ca 2.3 km from the parking)

Jõgeva County, Endla Nature Reserve
The observation tower is located in the middle of the boardwalk and offers a view of the entire 210 ha Männikjärve bog.

Parking for 10 cars and 2 buses in the centre of Tooma.


7 m high wooden observation tower, 1 bench on the platform below, open on top, boardwalk

Hiking Options

Männikjärve bog study trail


View of Männikjärve bog

Additional Information

  • During high water periods some sections of the trail can be impassable. Making campfire and camping along the trail is prohibited.
  • Before going on a nature walk please read the Environmental code of conduct, rules of conduct and waste-sorting policy


Situated in Endla Nature Reserve.
For going on Lake Männikjärv, organising public events with more than 20 participants, and driving an off-road vehicle, a permit must be obtained from protected area manager. Further information can be obtained from the Environmental Board +372 662 5999, info@keskkonnaamet.ee


Telephone: +372 676 7030

E-mail: info.elistvere@rmk.ee

Object type: observation tower

Location info

Location : Jõgeva County, Endla Nature Reserve

Jõgeva Municipality, Jõgeva County

Navigation instructions : The distance to Tooma from Tallinn is 143 km (along the Piibe road 136 km), from Tartu 72 km, from Rakvere 61 km, from Jõgeva 21 km.
When coming from Tallinn, drive along Tallinn–Tartu road, turn left at Mäeküla towards Koeru, drive through Koeru and turn towards Tartu at Kapu junction. On Tartu–Rakvere road (66 km from Tartu, about 3 km from Vägeva towards Jõgeva) a brown sign directs you to Endla Nature Reserve. Turn right on the hill (follow the sign to the parking area) and drive ca 400 m to the parking area at the centre of Endla Nature Reserve. Follow RMK signs to the study trail.


Long-Lat WGS 84
Latitude: 58.8759
Longitude: 26.247371
L-EST 97x: 629600
L-EST 97y: 6528463

+372 676 7030
Object type:
observation tower
Location info
Jõgeva County, Endla Nature Reserve
Jõgeva Municipality, Jõgeva County
Navigation instructions:
The distance to Tooma from Tallinn is 143 km (along the Piibe road 136 km), from Tartu 72 km, from Rakvere 61 km, from Jõgeva 21 km.
When coming from Tallinn, drive along Tallinn–Tartu road, turn left at Mäeküla towards Koeru, drive through Koeru and turn towards Tartu at Kapu junction. On Tartu–Rakvere road (66 km from Tartu, about 3 km from Vägeva towards Jõgeva) a brown sign directs you to Endla Nature Reserve. Turn right on the hill (follow the sign to the parking area) and drive ca 400 m to the parking area at the centre of Endla Nature Reserve. Follow RMK signs to the study trail.

Long-Lat WGS 84
Latitude: 58.8759
Longitude: 26.247371
L-EST 97x: 629600
L-EST 97y: 6528463

Where to go

Tammemägi hill campfire site

Jõgeva County, Endla Nature Reserve
The Tammemägi hill campfire site is on the left bank of the Põltsamaa River, near the place where it forks into the Nava River. Fish like the pike, the European perch, the common roach, the ide etc. can be found in the rivers. Riverside vegetation typically includes willows, reed and the yellow iris. Characteristic water plants are the arrowhead, pondweeds, the common water-plantain and the water mint.

Access by boat at a natural landing place. No access by car.


Boardwalk, fire ring, picnic table, information board

Outdoor Fireplace

Covered Fireplace


Nava River, Tammemägi hill

Additional Information

  • The campfire site is accessible via the Põltsamaa River water trail.
  • No firewood provided at the campfire site.
  • Before going on a nature walk please read the Environmental code of conduct, rules of conduct and waste-sorting policy


Situated in Endla Nature Reserve.
To organise a public event with more than 20 participants, organise boat trips or stay on Lake Endla and Lake Sinijärv, a permit must be obtained from protected area manager. For fishing on Endla and Sinijärv lakes the fishing card is required. Further information can be obtained from the Environmental Board +372 662 5999, info@keskkonnaamet.ee


Telephone: +372 676 7030

E-mail: info.elistvere@rmk.ee

Object type: campfire site

Location info

Location : Jõgeva County, Endla Nature Reserve

Jõgeva municipality, Jõgeva County

Navigation instructions : The campfire site is accessible via water only. Watercraft can be launched in the Põltsamaa River near the Pagari Bridge. Drive the watercraft ~ 10 km along the Põltsamaa River water trail. Tammemägi hill campfire site is on the left bank of the Põltsamaa (or Piibe) River, near the place where the river forks into the Nava River.


Long-Lat WGS 84
Latitude: 58.883136
Longitude: 26.158852
L-EST 97x: 6529101
L-EST 97y: 624471

+372 676 7030
Object type:
campfire site
Location info
Jõgeva County, Endla Nature Reserve
Jõgeva municipality, Jõgeva County
Navigation instructions:
The campfire site is accessible via water only. Watercraft can be launched in the Põltsamaa River near the Pagari Bridge. Drive the watercraft ~ 10 km along the Põltsamaa River water trail. Tammemägi hill campfire site is on the left bank of the Põltsamaa (or Piibe) River, near the place where the river forks into the Nava River.

Long-Lat WGS 84
Latitude: 58.883136
Longitude: 26.158852
L-EST 97x: 6529101
L-EST 97y: 624471

Where to go

Tooma campfire site

Jõgeva County, Endla Nature Reserve
The campfire site on the shore of Lake Linajärv at the centre of Tooma is the starting point of Lake Männikjärv bog hiking trail and also serves as the Tooma village square.

Parking for 10 cars and 2 buses in front of the centre of Endla Nature Reserve at Tooma.


Information board, open-air stage with 20 benches, fire ring and 6 benches, table, 2-stall toilet.

Hiking Options

Männikjärve hiking trail (2,2 km), Männikjärve bog study trail (7,3 km)

Outdoor Fireplace

Covered Fireplace


The Linajärv lakes. Tooma village, which has been used as a research venue since 1910.

Additional Information

  • Before going on a nature walk please read the Environmental code of conduct, rules of conduct and waste-sorting policy
  • As the campfire site is located in a calm-traffic area, any plans for organising events should be previously agreed with RMK.


Situated in Endla Nature Reserve. Further information can be obtained from the Environmental Board +372 662 5999, info@keskkonnaamet.ee


Telephone: +372 676 7030

E-mail: info.elistvere@rmk.ee

Object type: campfire site

Location info

Location : Jõgeva County, Endla Nature Reserve

Tooma village, Jõgeva municipality, Jõgeva County

Navigation instructions : The distance to Tooma from Tallinn is 143 km (along Piibe road 136 km), from Tartu 72 km, from Rakvere 61 km, from Jõgeva 21 km. When coming from Tallinn, drive along Tallinn–Tartu road, turn left at Mäeküla towards Koeru, drive through Koeru and turn towards Tartu at Kapu junction. On Tartu–Rakvere road (66 km from Tartu, about 3 km from Vägeva towards Jõgeva) a brown sign directs you to Endla Nature Reserve. Turn right on the hill (follow the sign to the parking area) and drive ca 400 m to the parking area at the centre of Endla Nature Reserve. Tooma campfire site is between the parking area and Lake Linajärv.


Long-Lat WGS 84
Latitude: 58.876269
Longitude: 26.274005
L-EST 97x: 6528556
L-EST 97y: 631134

+372 676 7030
Object type:
campfire site
Location info
Jõgeva County, Endla Nature Reserve
Tooma village, Jõgeva municipality, Jõgeva County
Navigation instructions:
The distance to Tooma from Tallinn is 143 km (along Piibe road 136 km), from Tartu 72 km, from Rakvere 61 km, from Jõgeva 21 km. When coming from Tallinn, drive along Tallinn–Tartu road, turn left at Mäeküla towards Koeru, drive through Koeru and turn towards Tartu at Kapu junction. On Tartu–Rakvere road (66 km from Tartu, about 3 km from Vägeva towards Jõgeva) a brown sign directs you to Endla Nature Reserve. Turn right on the hill (follow the sign to the parking area) and drive ca 400 m to the parking area at the centre of Endla Nature Reserve. Tooma campfire site is between the parking area and Lake Linajärv.

Long-Lat WGS 84
Latitude: 58.876269
Longitude: 26.274005
L-EST 97x: 6528556
L-EST 97y: 631134

Where to go

Linajärve campfire site

Jõgeva County, Endla Nature Reserve
The campfire site is located at Lake Linajärv.

Parking for 10 cars and 2 buses in front of the centre of Endla Nature Reserve at Tooma.


Campfire ring, picnic table and wooden pier on Lake Linajärv

Hiking Options

Männikjärve hiking trail (2,2 km), Männikjärve bog study trail (7,3 km)

Outdoor Fireplace

Covered Fireplace


Lake Linajärv, water biota, vegetation.

Additional Information

  • Before going on a nature walk please read the Environmental code of conduct, rules of conduct and waste-sorting policy
  • Firewood can be taken along from Tooma campfire site.


Situated in Endla Nature Reserve. Further information can be obtained from the Environmental Board +372 662 5999, info@keskkonnaamet.ee


Telephone: +372 676 7030

E-mail: info.elistvere@rmk.ee

Object type: campfire site

Location info

Location : Jõgeva County, Endla Nature Reserve

Jõgeva municipality, Jõgeva County

Navigation instructions : The distance to Tooma from Tallinn is 143 km (along the Piibe road 136 km), from Tartu 72 km, from Rakvere 61 km, from Jõgeva 21 km. When coming from Tallinn, drive along Tallinn–Tartu road, turn left at Mäeküla towards Koeru, drive through Koeru and turn towards Tartu at Kapu junction. On Tartu–Rakvere road (66 km from Tartu, about 3 km from Vägeva towards Jõgeva) a brown sign directs you to Endla Nature Reserve. Turn right on the hill (follow the sign to the parking area) and drive ca 400 m to the parking area at the centre of Endla Nature Reserve. To get to the campfire site, walk to Lake Linajärv, turn left and walk 140 m.


Long-Lat WGS 84
Latitude: 58.876838
Longitude: 26.276533
L-EST 97x: 6528624
L-EST 97y: 631278

+372 676 7030
Object type:
campfire site
Location info
Jõgeva County, Endla Nature Reserve
Jõgeva municipality, Jõgeva County
Navigation instructions:
The distance to Tooma from Tallinn is 143 km (along the Piibe road 136 km), from Tartu 72 km, from Rakvere 61 km, from Jõgeva 21 km. When coming from Tallinn, drive along Tallinn–Tartu road, turn left at Mäeküla towards Koeru, drive through Koeru and turn towards Tartu at Kapu junction. On Tartu–Rakvere road (66 km from Tartu, about 3 km from Vägeva towards Jõgeva) a brown sign directs you to Endla Nature Reserve. Turn right on the hill (follow the sign to the parking area) and drive ca 400 m to the parking area at the centre of Endla Nature Reserve. To get to the campfire site, walk to Lake Linajärv, turn left and walk 140 m.

Long-Lat WGS 84
Latitude: 58.876838
Longitude: 26.276533
L-EST 97x: 6528624
L-EST 97y: 631278

Where to go

Lake Endla hiking trail (8 km)

Jõgeva County, Endla Nature Reserve
The trail starts at the information board in Kärde and ends at Tooma. It takes 3 h on average to walk the trail. Near Tooma the trail coincides with Lake Männikjärv bog study trail. During flood the trail can be partly flooded. The trail is intended for walking and is marked with yellow spots on trees.

Parking for 10 cars and 2 buses in front of the centre of Endla Nature Reserve at Tooma and for 5 cars in the parking area by Kärde road.


4 information boards, “Old boat harbour” campfire site, Endla rental hut, 11 bridges. Some parts of the trail are covered with wood chips, some sections run along boardwalks on the shore of Lake Endla.

Hiking Options

Männikjärve bog study trail (7,3 km)

Outdoor Fireplace

Covered Fireplace


Lake Kaasikjärv bog, Lake Endla, birch swamp forest, Endla wooded meadow (Salu), Mustjõgi River, Lake Kaasikjärv, Lake Männikjärv bog, Lake Männikjärv and different forest communities.

Additional Information

Before going on a nature walk please read the Environmental code of conduct, rules of conduct and waste-sorting policy


Situated in Endla Nature Reserve.
Camping and making campfire is allowed only with the consent of the protected area manager in designated places. For driving off-road vehicles and organising public events with more than 20 participants, organising boat trips and staying in the special management zone of Lake Endla and Lake Sinijärv, a permit must be obtained from protected area manager. For fishing on Lake Endla and Sinijärv the fishing card is required. Further information can be obtained from the Environmental Board +372 662 5999, info@keskkonnaamet.ee


Telephone: +372 676 7030

E-mail: info.elistvere@rmk.ee

Object type: hiking trail

Location info

Location : Jõgeva County, Endla Nature Reserve

Kärde and Tooma villages, Jõgeva municipality, Jõgeva County

Navigation instructions : On Tartu–Piibe road, 60 km from Tartu, turn left (follow the sign to Kärde) on Kärde hill and drive around Kärde Rahumaja (“Peace House”) and then turn left, drive straight on for about 1 km. At the road fork keep to the right. Then drive about 2 km to a grove, turn right and drive about 50 m to the information board. Park the car at the roadside in front of the board (Attention: the road may not be easily passable).


Long-Lat WGS 84
Latitude: 58.848169
Longitude: 26.240611
L-EST 97x: 6525363
L-EST 97y: 629314

+372 676 7030
Object type:
hiking trail
Location info
Jõgeva County, Endla Nature Reserve
Kärde and Tooma villages, Jõgeva municipality, Jõgeva County
Navigation instructions:
On Tartu–Piibe road, 60 km from Tartu, turn left (follow the sign to Kärde) on Kärde hill and drive around Kärde Rahumaja (“Peace House”) and then turn left, drive straight on for about 1 km. At the road fork keep to the right. Then drive about 2 km to a grove, turn right and drive about 50 m to the information board. Park the car at the roadside in front of the board (Attention: the road may not be easily passable).

Long-Lat WGS 84
Latitude: 58.848169
Longitude: 26.240611
L-EST 97x: 6525363
L-EST 97y: 629314

Where to go

Võlingi spring hiking trail (2.4 km)

Järva County, Endla Nature Reserve
The total length of the hiking trail is 2.4 km. On the trail you will definitely meet different orchid species. The trail allows you to watch several springs. For example, the water flow rate of Võlingi spring is 220 l per second.

Roadside parking for one bus and 2 cars


On the trail there are 4 information boards, campfire ring, 3 benches and shelter. The trail includes 2 sections of boardwalk and is partly covered with wood chips.

Hiking Options


Outdoor Fireplace

Uncovered Fireplace


Võlingi grassland, which looks like a wooded meadow, Võlingi stream, springs of different types: the gravity spring of Võlingi and the artesian springs of Vilbaste, different forest communities. By the trail different orchid species can be found. The brown trout and the bullhead live in the Võlingi stream

Additional Information

The total length (out and back) of the trail is 2.4 km. During the flood the trail can be impassable in places. The hiking trail is intended for walking only. No firewood is provided at the campfire site.
Before going on a nature walk please read the Environmental code of conduct, rules of conduct and waste-sorting policy


For organising public events with more than 20 participants and driving off-road vehicles, a permit must be obtained from protected area manager. Further information can be obtained from the Environmental Board +372 662 5999, info@keskkonnaamet.ee


Telephone: +372 676 7030

E-mail: info.elistvere@rmk.ee

Object type: hiking trail

Location info

Location : Järva County, Endla Nature Reserve

Järva Municipality, Järva County

Navigation instructions : On Tallinn–Tartu road at Mäeküla junction turn towards Koeru (sign “Koeru 34 km”). Just before Koeru turn to the right (follow the sign “Norra-Oostriku allikad 7 km”). Drive 11.8 km and turn left (follow the sign “Purskav allikas”). Park your vehicle in the space to the left of the road and walk to the wooded meadow, where the hiking trail starts.


Long-Lat WGS 84
Latitude: 58.863061
Longitude: 26.060358
L-EST 97x: 618863
L-EST 97y: 6526688

+372 676 7030
Object type:
hiking trail
Location info
Järva County, Endla Nature Reserve
Järva Municipality, Järva County
Navigation instructions:
On Tallinn–Tartu road at Mäeküla junction turn towards Koeru (sign “Koeru 34 km”). Just before Koeru turn to the right (follow the sign “Norra-Oostriku allikad 7 km”). Drive 11.8 km and turn left (follow the sign “Purskav allikas”). Park your vehicle in the space to the left of the road and walk to the wooded meadow, where the hiking trail starts.

Long-Lat WGS 84
Latitude: 58.863061
Longitude: 26.060358
L-EST 97x: 618863
L-EST 97y: 6526688