Nigula bog study trail (6 km)
In order to play, download the Loquiz app from the Play Store or the App Store. You can find the instructions, passwords and QR code necessary for playing at the information stand in the parking lot of the Nigula bog educational trail.
Have fun playing the game (and don’t forget to enjoy the beautiful Estonian nature)!
Hikers can enjoy the intact forest masses and, if lucky, also meet some wild animals. After the walk they can have a rest and picnic in the parking area.
Parking area for 10 cars.
At the start of the trail there is parking area, information board, dry toilet and picnic table with shelter. Along the trail there are 2 observation towers.
Hiking Options
Cranberries, cowberries
Bog lake, bog, wooded bog, bog hollows, pools, transitional mire, swamp forest, primeval forest.
Additional Information
Before going on a nature walk please read the Environmental code of conduct, rules of conduct and waste-sorting policy
Swimming and walking off the trail is forbidden in this area! Further information can be obtained from the Environmental Board +372 662 5999,
Long-Lat WGS 84
Latitude: 58.00699
Longitude: 24.71407
L-EST 97x: 542215.9
L-EST 97y: 6429738.1