Jõuga lakes campfire site
Parking for 15 cars
Asphalt parking lot, 6 covered outdoor fireplaces, 6 picnic tables with roof, dry toilet/inva DC, water well, floating bridge, stairs with viewing platform
Wheelchair Accessibility
From the parking lot, a 1.2 m wide boardwalk leads down to the beach, right out to the floating bridge. There is a small pocket halfway through. Since the boardwalk is quite steep due to the natural conditions, we recommend visiting it with a help. You can reach the two picnic tables from the parking lot along a boardwalk, but a natural path leads to the dry toilet.
Outdoor Fireplace
Covered Fireplace Covered outdoor fireplace with cover
Bilberries, wild strawberries, chanterelles, milk-caps
Jõuga burial mounds, 2 lakes with sandy shores (Lake Pesujärv, Lake Liivjärv), a short walking trail around the lakes
Additional Information
Before going on a nature walk please read the Environmental code of conduct, rules of conduct and waste-sorting policy
The campfire sites are situated in Jõuga or Kivinõmme Landscape Reserve.
According to the nature conservation rules, motorised vehicle traffic is prohibited outside roads and paths!
Campfires can be made only in designated sites!
Long-Lat WGS 84
Latitude: 59.153719
Longitude: 27.387724
L-EST 97x: 693753
L-EST 97y: 6562132