Kiidjärve-Taevaskoja-Kiidjärve hiking trail (11,8 km)
The 11,8 km trail starts and ends next to Kiidjärve Visitor Centre and runs along the picturesque bank of Ahja River up to Saesaare weir and bridge and comes back along the ohter bank of the river. The hiking trail is marked with blue dots on signposts and trees.
The trail is only for walking!
Parking for 10 cars in the Visitor Centre`s parking lot.
The hiking trail map is available at the Kiidjärve Visitor Centre.
Hiking Options
The trail is only for walking!
Outdoor Fireplace
Covered Fireplace
Blueberries, mushrooms
Additional Information
The trail is located in the Ahja River Valley Landscape Protection Area. Further information can be obtained from the Environmental Board +372 662 5999,
Long-Lat WGS 84
Latitude: 58.139355
Longitude: 27.018740
L-EST 97x: 677748
L-EST 97y: 6448256