Kirikumäe hiking trails (3.2 km)
Parking area for 5 cars.
Kirikumäe hiking trail is 3.2 km long, partly boardwalk. There are fire ring with barbecue grill along the trail.
Hiking Options
by walking
Outdoor Fireplace
Uncovered Fireplace 1 fire ring with a grill
Bog lakes, forest and meadow communities, and scenic view of rolling landscape.
Additional Information
- The trail is not kept clear of snow.
- Part of the trail goes through private land.
- Before going on a nature walk please read the Environmental code of conduct (freedom to roam), rules of conduct and waste-sorting policy
The hiking trail is in Kirikumäe Landscape Protection Area. Further information can be obtained from the Environmental Board +372 662 5999,
Long-Lat WGS 84
Latitude: 57.68758
Longitude: 27.25216
L-EST 97x: 693923.2
L-EST 97y: 6398631.9