Kotka hiking trail (6,7km)
Parking for 10 to 15 cars at the start of the hiking trail
3 campfire sites, 2 dry toilets, shelter, conical tent, forest hut, observation tower on the upland. The trail is marked with blue and white blazes and symbols on brown posts
Hiking Options
Outdoor Fireplace
Uncovered Fireplace
Covered Fireplace
Cranberries, cowberries, bilberries, milk-caps
Different forest growth types, sandbanks formed of the recession of Lake Peipus, raised bog flora, bog islands, bog pool, “money pit”
Additional Information
The trail starts from an old Lõppe sand quarry by Liivamäe parking lot. From there the trail runs along high sand banks and ends
with a boardwalk across the Rüütli bog (Muraka nature reserve) neat the Alliku village. You can choose the shorter trail (1.5 km) in the Rüütli bog, which forms a section of the 8 km trail. The trail is marked with blue and white blazes on trees.
Before going on a nature walk please read the Environmental code of conduct, rules of conduct and waste-sorting policy
According to the nature conservation rules, motorised vehicle traffic is prohibited outside roads and paths. Campfires can be made only in designated sites.
Long-Lat WGS 84
Latitude: 59.089821
Longitude: 27.275784
L-EST 97x: 687668
L-EST 97y: 6554679