Kütioru short hiking trail (2.8 km)
Instead of the longer hiking trail of Kütioru (9.6 km), it is possible to choose the shorter trail, which is about 2.8 km long, indicated with white colour marks. The trail starts at the parking area near Kütiorg Alpine Skiing Centre and leads to the bottom of the valley first. The first half of the trail is the same as the beginning of the 9.6 km hiking trail. There are sections with steep slopes which can be slippery in wet weather.
Kütiorg, the grandest primeval valley in Estonia, is up to 70 metres deep. The valley is characterised by steep slopes and a relatively narrow bottom (250-600 m). Its slopes are intersected by numerous gullies, called 'tsoris' in the local dialect, which are the largest ones in Estonia. The main sight of Kütioru short hiking trail is the deep valley called Suurtsori.
Parking at Kütiorg Alpine Skiing Centre or at the start of the hiking trails, spaces for max 8 cars.
The trail starts at Kütiorg Alpine Skiing Centre and is indicated with wooden signs (white colour marks).
The largest and grandest primeval valley in Estonia – Kütiorg. Deep V-shaped valley – Suurtsori.
Additional information
Before going on a nature walk please read the Environmental code of conduct (freedom to roam), rules of conduct and waste-sorting policy.
The hiking trail is situated in Haanja Nature Park, about restrictions please read here. Further information can be obtained from the Environmental Board (+372 662 5999, info@keskkonnaamet.ee).
Hiking Options
Additional Information
Before going on a nature walk please read the Environmental code of conduct, rules of conduct and waste-sorting policy
Long-Lat WGS 84
Latitude: 57.78751
Longitude: 27.14706
L-EST 97x: 6409456.8
L-EST 97y: y: 687135.3