Marimetsa hiking trail’s observation tower (4.5 km from the parking)
At the end of the Marimetsa hiking trail, 4.5 km from the parking lot, there is a 7.6 m high wooden observation tower. From there you can see a picturesque view of the Marimetsa bog. Which covers approximately 5000 ha. The bog is surrounded by forested dunes.
A gravel parking area for 2 buses or 10 cars
7.6 m high wooden observation tower with 2 platforms, 4 benches. Boardwalk.
Hiking Options
Marimetsa hiking trail
Marimetsa bog as one of the oldest bogs in western Estonia, its plants, birds and animals.
Additional Information
Drive 3 km on Risti–Virtsu road, turn right at Rõuma (see the sign for the hiking trail). After 300 m arrive at the parking space with an information board with trail map and trailhead.
Long-Lat WGS 84
Latitude: 58.960831
Longitude: 24.008435
L-EST 97x: 503778
L-EST 97y: 6536104