RMK Hiking Route Oandu-Aegviidu-Ikla / Aegviidu – Hirvelaane (61 km)
The recommended site for parking is near Aegvidu Visitor Centre, which is about 2,5 km away from Nikerjärve campsite. The alternative recommended place is the Valgehobusemäe Skiing andRecreation Centre, which offers a large parking area and everything
else the hiker may need for making final preparations.
The trail is marked with signs and colour markings at turns, as well as with kilometer markers.
The rest stops on the trail and distances:
- Aegviidu Visitor Centre - Nikerjärve campsite 2 km
- Nikerjärve campsite - Mägede campfire sites 7 km
- Mägede campfire sites - Noku campfire site10 km
- Noku campfire site - Napu campfire site 8 km
- Napu campfire site - Hiieveski campsite 12 km
- Hiieveski campsite - Hirvelaane campfire site 29 km
Hiking Options
Outdoor Fireplace
Uncovered Fireplace
The Valgehobusemägi hill, Noku farmstead, Kakerdi bog and lake and also the Paunküla
reservoir and Paunküla hills.
Additional Information
Before going on a nature walk please read the Environmental code of conduct, rules of conduct and waste-sorting policy