RMK hiking route Peraküla-Aegviidu-Ähijärve / Ohtu-Alavere (83 km)
Parking for 2-3 cars is available at each campfire site
Non-potable water can be taken from the rivers of Keila, Tuhala and Pirita and the Angerja stream.
The trail is marked with signposts and white-green-white paint markings.
The rest stops on the trail and distances between them:
- Ohtu campfire site - Metsanurme campfire site 26 km
- Metsanurme campfire site - Saarte bog campfire site 28 km
- Saarte bog campfire site -Saula campfire site 11 km
- Saula campfire site - Alavere campfire site 22 km
Hiking Options
Outdoor Fireplace
Uncovered Fireplace
Covered Fireplace
Additional Information
Before going on a nature walk please read the Environmental code of conduct, rules of conduct and waste-sorting policy