Taevaskoja-Otteni-Taevaskoja hiking trail (3,8 km)
The trail is only for walking!
Parking in Taevaskodade parking area for 30 cars
Non-potable water from Ahja River.
Indicated with green signs, supported with information boards
Hiking Options
The trail is only for walking!Taevaskodade hiking trail starting from Taevaskodade parking area, Kiidjärve-Taevaskoja-Kiidjärve hiking trail (11,8 km) on the banks of Ahja River, RMK Peraküla-Aegviidu-Ähijärve Hiking Route.
Outdoor Fireplace
Covered Fireplace Outdoor fireplace with grillrest in Otteni campfire site.
Suur Taevaskoda, partly preserved Otteni/Valgesoo watermill, Otteni arched watermill bridge, miniature canyon, picturesque views to Ahja River, information board by bushwhackers` hollow.
Additional Information
Before going on a nature walk please read the Environmental code of conduct, rules of conduct and waste-sorting policy
The trail is located in the Ahja River Valley Landscape Protection Area. Further information can be obtained from the Environmental Board +372 662 5999, info@keskkonnaamet.ee
From there on foot to Taevaskodade hiking trail, Taevaskoja-Otteni-Taevaskoja hiking trail starts under Suur-Taevaskoda.
Long-Lat WGS 84
Latitude: 58.108083
Longitude: 27.051642
L-EST 97x: 679842,6
L-EST 97y: 6444864,4