The highest aspen in Estonia
The tallest known aspen in Estonia (Populus tremula) has a height of 43.2 metres. The aspens growing next to it also have a height exceeding 43 meters. The exceptional height of the aspen was revealed by analysing remote sensing data, after which RMK employees and researchers from the Estonian University of Life Sciences also measured the tree with an electron tachymeter.
The diameter of the tree at chest height was measured to be 49.4 cm in 2021. The age of the tree was estimated to be 93 years, based on the growth rings from the core sample collected in the same year. Until 2021, the 41.6-metre-tall aspen tree growing in the Järvselja Forest District, in Tartu County, was believed to be the tallest aspen in Estonia. The area is famous for the activities of Count Friedrich Georg Magnus Berg (16 February 1845-22 March 1938). He paid special attention to oaks, with oak alleys located only a few hundred metres from here. Whether Count Berg’s hand was at work with the birth of this aspen tree is unknown.
by the road
The tree is marked with an information board
Additional Information
Before going on a nature walk please read the Environmental code of conduct, rules of conduct and waste-sorting policy
Long-Lat WGS 84
Latitude: 57.935479
Longitude: 26.238892
L-EST 97x: 6423761
L-EST 97y: 632607