Tsitre trail of trees (1 km)
There are 29 information boards on the track where you can get acquainted with the stories of Tsitre trees and history, with the help of QR-codes: information also available in English and Russian. The information boards have pictures of more than 30 wooden plants, as well as old photos, local traditions and stories that bring us fragments of what happened in the past. The trees in Tsitre Park are a real attraction, especially the ancient pines and old horse chestnuts that have grown curved in poor conditions.
In the seaward part of the trail there is an observation tower built instead of the former Soviet borderguard observation tower. From the tower you can watch water birds stopping in Kolga Bay.
area of Tsitre campsite
29 information boards, QR-codes: information also available in English and Russian, observation tower, indication, waste bin, DC
Wheelchair Accessibility
Accessible dry toilet in the parking lot, ca 150 m boardwalk (width 1m)
Outdoor Fireplace
Uncovered Fireplace
An old forest park with interesting trees, the ruins of Tsitre summer manor and other cultural heritage objects. There are several other beautiful natural and historical sites nearby: Muuksi City Hill with alvars covered with junipers and a bank forest on a hillside, overlooking Kolga Bay. A monument to the North Star, dedicated to the Estonian-Finnish fraternity in the battles of the last century. Hundikangrud - Estonia's largest group of stone coffin graves from the Bronze Age and Early Iron Age is located 2.5 km from Tsitre towards Kuusalu. Kolga Manor and Museum is situated 8 km from Tsitre.
Additional Information
Before going on a nature walk please read the Environmental code of conduct, rules of conduct and waste-sorting policy
The trail is situated in Lahemaa National Park. Further information can be obtained from the Environmental Board +372 662 5999, info@keskkonnaamet.ee
+372 329 5555
Long-Lat WGS 84
Latitude: 59.516278
Longitude: 25.515821
L-EST 97x: 585810
L-EST 97y: 6598597