One gateway to the world of RMK
RMK’s new website now brings together all information about the state forest at one address: It’s worth visiting RMK’s homepage if you are planning to visit nature or wish to obtain information regarding the state forest in your home area, are looking for educational material about nature, want to find answers about RMK’s various activities, and much more.
According to Triin Küttim, Head of the Communications and Marketing Department of RMK, RMK has brought together everything that the state forest has to offer people on its new website.
‘RMK’s new website is one of the doors to RMK’s world. Until now, nature holidays in the state forest had to be planned separately on the page, and in order to visit the Sagadi manor, museum and nature school, you had to search for information on a separate website, but now you only have to go to and find an interesting chapter in the menu. We invite everyone to open this door and get acquainted with the diverse world of the state forest or to delve deeper into it,’ explains Küttim.
The new virtual home of the State Forest Management Centre is much more mobile-friendly than before.
‘Smart devices are mainly used today to search for information, which is why it is much more convenient to read our new website than before,’ explains Küttim.
The design of the website has also been updated, for example, there is a chapter on nature movement featuring more pictures, which definitely provides good inspiration when planning a nature holiday and choosing your desired place or route. The website has a clearer design, more photos and illustrative materials, and texts in simpler language. The design of the website also takes into account the fact that it can be used, for example, by visually impaired people.
‘A completely new approach is that it is possible to enter the website from two different views – from the point of view of an ordinary user and from the point of view of a specialist,’ says Triin Küttim. ‘The activities and services of RMK that could be of interest to each of us – be it forest holidays, descriptions of forests in our home area and plans for forest work, our smart games and events, sales of firewood to residents, Elistvere Animal Park, or other areas of activity related to the manager of the state forest – have been collected in the view of a regular user. From a specialist’s point of view, topics that are important for companies, local governments, cooperation partners, developers, hunting associations or schools will open up, but the information there may also be necessary for all citizens.’
If earlier it was necessary to go to separate chapters to read RMK’s news and blog stories, from now on they can be viewed side by side on the home page. Forest data on the state forest are also highlighted better than before – RMK shares the operational data of the state forest with the public.
‘The new website is primarily based on the user’s interest – in order to quickly determine why he or she came to the website – whether to look for information about moving in nature, nature conservation, forest works, nature studies, Sagadi Manor or other topics,’ explains Küttim.
Also, browsing is more convenient than before, because the page has bookmarks that show the reader their location on the chapters of the page and allow for them to quickly navigate to previously read pages.