Sales calendar

Information on current ads for timber sales can be found in RMK’s ads calendar and Ametlikud Teadaanded.

Evaluation of tenders

In both long-term contracts and other public offerings, we evaluate offers based on the same principle. In order to determine successful offers, we compare the prices quoted for delivery under the DPU (Delivered at Place Unloaded) condition specified in Incoterms 2020. We adjust the buyer’s warehouse price to reflect the price at the intermediate roadside forest warehouse, using transport costs that align with the average market price of RMK’s transport services.

Transport distances are calculated on the basis of RMK’s road network and Regio’s road matrix, taking into account the most optimal or shortest customer journey for conventional timber trucks while also taking into consideration, among other things, traffic management and other restrictions hindering the transport of timber. When delivery points are added, the transport distances of new delivery points are calculated in the application for weighing sales decisions, which are reflected in the published transport distance table with a time reference. Transport distances between the mainland and the islands do not include sea routes. See the current freight rates here (141.55 kB, pdf) and the transport distances here (472.57 kB, pdf).

Click here (76.07 kB, pdf) to view additional loading costs by port to be deducted from the prices offered under FOB delivery terms (Incoterms 2020).