Sales of cutting rights for sanitary cutting  

The sale of cutting rights for harvesting firewood from a standing crop occurs year-round, provided that there are suitable cutting sites available.
To register your request, please contact via
Filing a request may not guarantee a sales offer for cutting rights on the selected site.
At the same time, it is still possible to order 3-metre long firewood. Read more here.
Obtaining cutting rights for harvesting firewood from a standing crop is suitable when the need for firewood is not urgent. It may take several months from filing the request to receiving a sales offer. The actual sales price of a standing crop is determined based on forest valuation data and the market prices of timber; however, the estimated price levels range from EUR 18 to EUR 20 per cubic metre, to which value added tax will be added. If the sales offer suits you, a prepayment invoice instrument is compiled. In a calendar year, any one buyer is provided with an allowance of up to 30 m³ for harvesting firewood from a standing crop. The basic terms and conditions of cutting rights, safety instructions for forestry works and environmental requirements for forestry works can be found in estonian language only and will be introduced during ordering process.

Contact us

tel. +372 676 7676