Põlula kalakasvanduse üheks ülesandeks on toetada kalakasvatusliku taastootmisega seotud teadustööde läbiviimist nii kalakasvanduses kui ka looduses.
Eesti Maaülikool ja Turu Ülikool teadlaste osavõtul on valminud mitmed teadusartiklid:
- Genomewide introgressive
hybridization patterns in wild Atlantic salmon influenced by inadvertent gene
flow from hatchery releases.
M. Y. Ozerov,
R. Gross, M. Bruneaux, J.-P. Vähä, O. Burimski, L. Pukk and A. Vasemägi
- Discovery
and application of insertion-deletion (INDEL) polymorphisms for QTL mapping of
early life-history traits in Atlantic salmon. Anti Vasemägi1,2, Riho
Gross2, Daniel Palm3, Tiit Paaver2, Craig R
- Differences
in the Metabolic Response to Temperature Acclimation in Nine‐Spined Stickleback (Pungitius pungitius) Populations From
Contrasting Thermal Environments. Matthieu Bruneaux1, Mikko Nikinmaa1,
Veronika N. Laine1, Kai Lindström2, Craig R. Primmer1, Anti Vasemägi1, 3
- Proliferative
kidney disease (PKD) agent Tetracapsuloides
bryosalmonae in brown trout populations in Estonia. Megha Dash1, Anti Vasemägi1, 2
- Use of
sibling relationship reconstruction to complement traditional monitoring in
fisheries management and conservation of brown trout. Mikhail Ozerov,
Jürgenstein, Tutku Aykanat, Anti Vasemägi
- High Gyrodactylus
salaris infection rate in triploid Atlantic salmon Salmo
salar. M. Y. Ozerov1, J. Lumme2, P. Päkk3, P.
Rintamäki2, M. S. Zie˛tara4, Y. Barskaya2, D. Lebedeva2, E. Saadre5, R. Gross3, C.
R. Primmer3, A. Vasemägi1, 3
- Identification
of the origin of an Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar L.) population
in a recently recolonized river in the Baltic Sea. A. Vasemägi, R. Gross, T. Paaver,
M. Kangur, J. Nilsson and L.-O. Eriksson
- Analysis of gene associated tandem repeat
markers in Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar L.) populations: implications for restoration and conservation in
the Baltic Sea. Anti Vasemägi1,3*, Riho Gross3,
Tiit Paaver3, Marja-Liisa Koljonen4,
Marjatta Saäisaä 5, Jan Nilsson1
- Vasemägi A, Visse M, Kisand V. The effect of
environmental factors and an emerging parasitic disease on gut microbiome of
wild salmonid fish. mSpere, in press.Stauffer J, Bruneaux M, Panda B, Visse M,
Vasemägi A, Ilmonen P (2017) Telomere length and antioxidant defense associate
with parasite-induced retarded growth in wild brown trout. Oecologia, 185(3),
- Vasemägi A, Sulku J, Bruneaux M, Thalmann O, Mäkinen H, Ozerov M (2017) Prediction of deleterious mitochondrial mutations in a euryhaline fish: test of demographic and habitat-dependent effects. Ecology and Evolution, 7, 3826–3835.
- Debes PV, Gross R, Vasemägi A (2017)
Quantitative genetic variation in, and environmental effects on, pathogen
resistance and temperature-dependent disease severity in a wild trout. American
Naturalist, 190(2), 244-265.
- Bruneaux M, Visse M. Pukk L, Gross R, Saks L,
Vasemägi A (2017) Parasite infection and decreased thermal tolerance: impact of
proliferative kidney disease (PKD) on a wild salmonid fish in the context of
climate change. Functional Ecology, 31, 216-226.